At Frontier, to suit your learning style, we have adopted different delivery and assessment pathways as per your suitability including online learning. You are advised to identify your delivery method prior to enrolling in the qualification. Frontier Institute of Training and Technology offers the following delivery modes for this qualification:
-  Face-to-Face Delivery– It involves structured classroom-based training in a simulated work environment. Each session will allow enough time for the students to learn the topic, undertake practice opportunities and complete / submit set tasks required for assessment purposes. NO Intake dates have been scheduled at the moment
-  Self- paced Online Assessment pathway– Self-paced assessment pathway involves the learner undertaking and completing assessment tasks on their own in their own time within the enrolment duration. The Assessment only pathway is suitable for such learners who are self-learners with some work experience to self-train and complete their assessment on their own.
You would be undertaking and completing the assessments online by using our Cloud Assess Assessment Portal. As Frontier is always committed to supporting our students, you would be able to receive weekly one-on-one support sessions from your Trainer and Assessor to clarify collective doubts, discuss topics of your concern or seek guidance on completing your assessment tasks. You would be receiving the support sessions through the Microsoft team. All support sessions are recorded for you to refer to or view later.
The self-paced Assessment pathway is suitable for you, if:
- You are a self-learner and can follow instructions easily to complete your assessment task at your own pace
- You have access to a workplace and colleagues who are willing to support you on your role plays for observational assessment tasks
- You have access to workplace documentation and can provide as samples of evidence to successfully complete some of your assessment tasks wherever requested (Frontier can provide you this if you do not have access to a workplace, please notify us)
- On–the–job learning and assessment–On-the-job learning and assessments are structured face-to-face delivery and assessments where learners are trained and assessed at their workplace by a Frontier Trainer and Assessor within the agreed time and duration which is developed in consultation with the Employer based on the Training Need Analysis. The workplace training and assessment can be conducted one-on-one or with a group of learners from the same employer contextualised to the employer’s need.